Program 2024

Klangzeit Festival Winter Edition

22, 23 March, 5pm

Workshop – Program


Klangzeit Festival Spring Edition

5 June, 5pm


„Green Sounds“



Stancija Mani
Hrelji 45
52341 Zminj


Line up

Isabelle Duthoit (FR)
Limpe Fuchs (DE)
Zahra Mani (AT/ UK)
Warrego Valles (SI)
Mia Zabelka (AT)
Tomislav Brajnovic (HR)



Klangzeit Festival Summer Edition

27 July, 5pm


„Green Sounds“



Klanghaus Sankt Johann
Untergreith 216
8443 Sankt Johann im Saggautal


Line up

Beba Fink (AT) 
Zahra Mani (AT/ UK)
Meinrad Kneer (DE)
Patrizia Oliva (IT)
Warrego Valles (SI)
Andreas Willers (DE)
Mia Zabelka (AT)

Klangzeit Festival Autumn Edition

19 October, 5pm



KLANGZEIT Festival 2023 – Autumn Edition

In cooperation with IKLECTIK London and Austrian Composers Association


17. November



Ragnheiður Erla Björnsdóttir

Nina Jukic

Xaver Schutti

Raphaela Shalman

Ina Thomann



18. November




Yuko Araki

Rotten Sun



25. November



Kristoffer Lislegaard

Mia Zabelka & Martin Mark

Tahereh Nourani

Christina Ruf


Music Project From The Alps Adriatic Region




Video Klangzeit Spring 2022 / MiCS – Music in the Countryside

Video Klangzeit Summer 2022 / MiCS – Music in the Countryside



KLANGZEIT Festival 2023 – Summer Edition

July 28th and 29th, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.


2 days of sound art, experimental music and transdisciplinary art.


This year’s summer edition of the Klangzeit Festival has the motto “MICS – Music in the Countryside continued” and will take place at Klanghaus Sankt Johann in South Styria.


28. July, 5:00 p.m

Coming together


29. July, 5:00 p.m



Line up:

Anja Kreysing (DE)

Wolfgang Temmel (AT)

Jeff Surak (US)

Kris Kuldkepp (EE)

Matika Duet (IT)

Zahra Mani (AT/ UK)

Mia Zabelka (AT)

Steve Putnik DJ (AT)


KLANGZEIT Festival 2023 – Spring Edition

May 27th and 28th, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.


2 days of sound art, experimental music and transdisciplinary art.


This year’s spring edition of the Klangzeit Festival has the motto “MICS – Music in the Countryside continued” and will take place in Zminj/ Istria (HR) in cooperation with Mani d.o.o..


27. Mai, 5:00 p.m

Coming together


28. Mai, 5:00 p.m



Line up:

Bérangère Maximin (FR)

Zahra Mani (AT/ UK)

Werner Kodytek (AT)

Balázs Pandi (HU)

Mia Zabelka (AT)

Mani/ Pándi/ Zabelka Trio (AT/UK/HU)

Paul Jonas Kinnunen (FI)

DJ S. Putnik (AT)


About MICS

MICS – Music in the Countryside continued – is an ongoing project in the Alps-Adriatic region to strengthen the “music ecosystem” in rural peripheries by Klanghaus Sankt Johann (AT) in collaboration with Zveza Mink Tolmin (SI) and Mani d.o.o (HR).


The term “music ecosystem” is a concept that describes every aspect of music in society – composers and musicians, pop and art music and everything in between and, significantly, it also refers to music listeners and the role that music plays in people’s lives and the way it can enhance and strengthen the socio-cultural landscape.


Our work in the cultural sphere naturally addresses the needs of artists and creators, but we are also convinced that art and culture reflect the broader needs of society.


MICS continued communicates the benefit and joy of music to new and existing audiences, reaching out to minorities and rural inhabitants to bring them into the world of contemporary music. Through contact between artists and audiences, MICS continued raises awareness for the significance of music. Through music, MICS continued communicates socio-cultural togetherness across boundaries.


Upholding the cohesive value of music in society through an Alps-Adriatic collaboration, MICS continued communicates the value of European cultural diversity and the common ground that we share in creative exchange, drawing audiences into an organic, dynamic process.


With MICS continued we want to support and communicate justice and resilience in music and culture across borders.


We would like to thank Department 9 Culture, Europe, Sport – State of Styria, the Federal Ministry for Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport – Art and Culture Section and the Alps-Adriatic-Alliance for their support.


MICS was co-funded by MusicAIRE – an innovative recovery for Europe, a cultural project in the context of the Creative Europe Music Moves Europe initiative. MusicAIRE is run by the European Music Council and the Portuguese organization INOVA+ dedicated to culture, innovation, education and communication strategies. MICS is completed as part of MusicAIRE. MICS continued is now the continuation/extension of the project.

Es treibt Blüten SA 18.05. 2019 17:30 Uhr

Das Klanghaus Sankt Johann präsentiert am Samstag, dem 18. Mai 2019 um 17.30 Uhr das Festival Klangzeit / Frühling unter dem Motto „Es treibt Blüten“.

Der Titel in all seiner Zweideutigkeit lässt Spielraum für Interpretation in viele mögliche Richtungen.

Er bezieht sich einerseits auf den Frühling, die Knospen und Blüten der Natur. Jahr für Jahr beobachten wir aber, wie das Blütentreiben früher beginnt und die gewohnten landwirtschaftlichen Rhythmen durcheinanderbringt. Seltsame Blüten also, die Nachdenklichkeit und vielleicht auch Besorgnis erregen.

Die „seltsamen Blüten“ sind auch in gesellschaftlichen und sozio-politischen Spaltungen spürbar, und der Titel deutet auf kreative Reaktionen auf den Status Quo hin.

Außerdem treibt es, im Sinne der künstlerischen Momente, die das Klanghaus Sankt Johann seit über 10 Jahren mehrmals jährlich bietet, kreative Blüten. Eine spannende Kombination aus heimischen und internationalen KünstlerInnen kommt am 18. Mai zusammen. Die AkteurInnen reflektieren im intimen Ambiente des Klanghaus Sankt Johann das „Blütentreiben“ in ihrer Musik und in ihren Texten.

TeilnehmerInnen sind die Schriftstellerin Dragica Rajcic (HR), die Klangkünstlerin Andrea Sodomka (AT), der Sprachperformer und Komponist Tibor Szemzö (HU), der Schlagwerker Jaka Berger (SI), die österreich-britische Klangkünstlerin Zahra Mani (UK/AT), die steirische Komponistin und Klangkünstlerin Mia Zabelka (AT), der Videokünstler Gavino Canu (IT) und die Elektronikmusikerin Svetlana Maras (RS).

Ab 18h überträgt Radio Agora das Programm live.

Andrea Sodomka

Dragica Rajicic (c) Yves Noir

Tibor Szemzö (c) Jelena Vojinovic

Zahra Mani (c) Severin Dostal


Klangzeit Winter
8th – 9th March 2019, motto “Global Brass”

Klangzeit Spring
18th – 19th May 2019, motto “Es treibt Blüten”

Klangzeit Summer
26. – 27. July 2019, motto “Greither Kantate”

Klangzeit Autumn
12th – 13th October 2019, motto “Invisible Landscapes of the Alps-Adriatic Region”

March 9, 2019, 7pm
Musikheim St. Johann im Saggautal, A- 8453 St. Johann im Saggautal

Motto “Global Brass”

“Working together with the Klanghaus Sankt Johann is very valuable for the village of Sankt Johann in the Saggautal. Our inhabitants, pupils and participants of the brass band are getting new, exciting artistic perspectives. ”
Johann Schmid, Mayor Sankt Johann im Saggautal

The workshop program of the Klanghaus Sankt Johann has already been established over several years. In 2019, it will also be supported by the village of Sankt Johann i.S. the first time. Young people from the region, music students and members of the brass band St. Johann i.S. will be involved in the line up of Klangzeit Winter 2019. From highly qualified artistic workshop leaders they experience completely new artistic approaches, contents and perspectives. Following the workshop on March 8, 2019, the public presentation will take place on March 9, 2019, at 7pm, at the Musikheim Sankt Johann im Saggautal.

The following workshop programs will take place:

1 New brass music Interpretation: Siegmund Andraschek (AT), Franz Koinegg (AT)

2 Jazz Interpretation and Improvisation: Annette Giesriegl (AT)

3 Sound Art & Trans Art: Mia Zabelka (AT), Astrid Rieder (AT)

In cooperation with the village of Sankt Johann in the Saggautal and the Landesjugendreferat Steiermark

Annette Giesriegl

Astrid Rieder

Musikkappelle St. Johann im Saggautal

Franz Koinegg

Siegmund Andraschek

Mia Zabelka

18. – 19. Mai 2019, Motto „Es treibt Blüten“

ALARM! 22.9.2018 5 pm Hrelji 45, Zminj, HR

ALARM!    22.9.2018 5 pm Hrelji 45, Zminj, HR
A reflection on Echoes from invisible Landscapes

co-funded by the EACEA Creative Europe programme (smaller scale cooperation projects)
with the kind support of the Alp-Adriatic Alliance

Art, culture, performance, sound and language have the power not just to reflect society but also to instigate change and thus to shape it.
Europe in 2018 is far from the liberal role model many want it to be, and thought it was.
Society is fragmented and fundamental principles of living together in a respectful and democratic, diverse and shared community are being called into question, indeed undermined.
Fear-mongering and ignorance in the face of human need are being imbued with political acceptability as right-wing nationalist parties are elected into governments across Europe.
The flood of migrants, whose reasons for fleeing their countries are often rooted in Western colonial exploitation and failure to help in time, is seen as a threat.
Threatening, though, is the separation, the “us – and – them” mentality, the endorsement of differences in rights and privileges based on where you were born.

ALARM! The evening and its underlying concept are a reminder, a discourse, a call to the most basic elements of humanity and society.
The situation we are in should not be marked by political preference or allegiances but by the most basic, fundamental facts of living together that make society possible.

ALARM! Art, culture and discourse can and do instigate change. As practices and platforms, individual instances of creativity with broader resonances, they can reflect, distill, formulate and emanate not just their immediate context but also collective histories and future possibilities.

ALARM! The evening will commence with a reception, followed by a podium discussion between Dragica Rajcic and Johann Pätzold, hosted by Colette Schmidt, a cultural journalist who writes for the Austrian Der Standard and lives in Vienna. She also specializes in reporting on far-right extremist movements, human rights and the politics and culture of remembrance. As an author, she is a member of the Austrian theatre collective Theater im Bahnhof. Dragica Rajcic is a Croatian poet and thinker who lives between Austria, Switzerland and Croatia. She writes in the German she learned when she moved to Switzerland; the title of her first published volume of poetry reflects the linguistic and semantic background: Halbgedichte einer Gastfrau. Her work moves intellectually in the frictional space between syntax and semantics, between the expected and the other, between foreignness and the concept of home. Her partially autobiographical writing illuminates the concept of the generality that can grow out of an own trajectory and the shared elements inherent in individuality. Johann Pätzold is a musician and composer and an active member of Sea-Eye, an organisation dedicated to saving migrants from the Mediterranean sea. He worked on a lifeboat and recently published a number of statements online, answering questions posed to him during and after his time at sea. His stories and language reflect the potential brutality in our societies and nonetheless shine with the hope of an absolute imperative amongst some of us to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Sandra Kocuvan is an EU project advisor and represents the cultural department of the Austrian state of Styria in its external and foreign relations. She is also a member of the Alp-Adriatic Alliance committee.

ALARM! Art, music, discourse and social change are incredibly broad concepts and the evening does not intend to cover comprehensively any single aspect of any of the greater spheres. The evening brings audiences and participants together in a reflective space combining dialogue and performance.

ALARM! Following the live conversation and audience conversations, there will be a short break followed by musical performances by Tamara Obravac with Uroš Rakovec, Tibor Szemzö, Juri Tore, Roberto Paci Dalo, Benjamin Finger, Mia Zabelka and Zahra Mani.

PROGRAMME 22.9.2018

Podium discussion hosted by Colette Schmidt, journalist Der Standard
Dragica Rajcic, poet
Johann Pätzold, Sea-Eye
Sandra Kocuvan, Land Steiermark Kultur and Alp-Adriatic Alliance

Jure Tori
Tamara Obrovac  & Uroš Rakovec
Tibor Szemzö
Roberto Paci Dalo
Benjamin Finger , Mia Zabelka  & Zahra Mani
Darla Smoking

ALARM is hosted by Mani d.o.o. in the context of Echoes from invisible Landscapes in cooperation with Klang.Haus Untergreith

Echoes on the Road 18th – 21st September 2018

Echoes on the Road 18th – 21st September 2018
curated by Enterprise Z
in the context of
Echoes from invisible Landscapes, a smaller scale cooperation project co-funded by the EACEA

Echoes from invisible Landscapes was launched in July 2016 as an interdisciplinary cultural network spanning the Alp-Adriatic region with curatorial partners from Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia.
Enterprise Z invited artists and project participants to collect acoustic “images” from the region and collated them in a sound map, which has been used as the basis for various performances and workshops in the course of the project. The Sound of Europe was conceived as an archive for the acoustic echoes of the region.
Now, approaching the end of the project, Enterprise Z has taken stock of the sonic fragments and is bringing them back into the regional landscape.

On the 18th September 2018, 3 groups of musicians will set off in retro camper vans to carry live resonances of the Alp-Adriatic region through the landscape.
Starting in Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, each camper van will visit various public spaces, some of which will be announced and some of which will be spontaneous interventions. The artists on board will play for passers-by, engage in dialogue with people and places, and move on.
The process is an ongoing exchange, a dialogue between sounds and places, and between people. The performances can entertain, irritate, fascinate or instigated questions and conversation.
The project is an artistic journey whose essence is in the process, the travel, the encounters and the landscape.

Austria camper van
Mia Zabelka , Benjamin Finger , Viv Corringham,, Peter Zach
Slovenian camper van
Jure Tori , Darla Smoking
Croatian camper van
Zahra Mani , Roberto Paci Dalo

On the 21st September 2018, the vans come together at Hrelji 45 in Istria, where Echoes partner Mani d.o.o. and Enterprise Z will host the artists and visitors in an informal exchange between artists, participants and visitors.


“Echoes from invisible Landscapes“ is in the hands of the newly founded Echo Kollektiv Netzwerk (comprising Enterprise Z, Wieser Verlag publishers, the University of Klagenfurt, Zveza Mink Tolmin and Mani doo) with the support of the EACEA Creative Europe programme and covers the period from 2016 to 2018. The 2-year project challenges the local population and international artists as “agents of cultural reflection” to consider and rethink the status quo of social structures against the background of our relations to our environment in the Alpine Adriatic region between Austria, Slovenia and Croatia.
“Landscapes” stands for tangible and intangible heritage, for culture as the basis for individualism and group identity. “Echoes” emanate from individual and collective histories of people and their natural or designed surroundings. Artists and scientists are invited to listen to these echoes, to record and process them. They develop new projects that will then in turn become objects or ideas of resonance themselves and send out their own echoes to a wider audience across local and national borders. This means that the festival serves as a catalyst for further investigation of echoes. ECHOES is a practical and artistic approach to broadening the awareness of culture in society with a view to the Alpine Adriatic region and offering a network model that can be extended to other regions.


Klanghaus Sankt Johann’s contribution to „Echoes from invisible Landscapes“ is the project “The Sound of Europe”, which will take place as part of Happening 1 and Happening 2. The aim is to make the diverse and broad european landscape of the cutting-edge experimental arts visible. For this project sounds, tones and noise were collected on a trip across Europe and compiled to form a sound map of the continent. These recordings made in cities including, among others, London, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin, Bucharest, Warsaw, St. Petersburg, Lisbon and Brussels reflect the cultural and social diversity of Europe. One central aim of this collection of sounds was to locate artistic and cultural activities that are largely undiscovered and thus “invisible”. Artists and creatives who entered into resonance on these trips will present their work. The Klanghaus lends itself as the resonating body that amplifies the echoes generated by the agents of cultural reflection and making them heard across geographic regional borders.