15.Juli 2017, 7pm
The Klanghaus Sankt Johann presents a special focus on contemporary sound art from New York and its international echoes.
For the third time the internationally renowned American composer Phill Niblock is guest in the Klanghaus Sankt Johann. He will introduce new compositions.
The Canadian video artist Katherine Liberovskaya, who has been working with Phill Niblock for many years, will play in the duo with Mia Zabelka at Eviolin and electronic devices. A mini-camera, attached to the arm, creates visuals of the gestural play of the violinists, which are edited and transformed live by the video artist.
The turntablists Maria Chavez from New York, a student of Pauline Oliveros, the world-famous composer who died last year, also presented her work in the Klanghaus in 2015 and will particiapte this time in a duet with Sandy Ewen from Berlin.
Roberto Paci Dalo, clarinetist and sound artist from Italy, is recognized for his subtle sound art projects and radio works. He will develop a sound work dedicated to the Klanghaus.
The German composer and performer Peter Wiessenthaner, who has performed several times in the New York performance series “Experimental Intermedia” initiated by Phill Niblock, will present an audiovisual composition with an electronically controlled microtonal bass quartet.
In cooperation with KulturKontakt Austria, Enrique Mendoza from Mexico is invited as an artist-in-residence of the Klanghaus Sankt Johann in 2017. He developed a multi-channel sound installation especially for the Klanghaus.