+43 664 9267731
Klanghaus Sankt Johann
Untergreith 216
8443 St. Johann im Saggautal
As far as the possibility exists to enter personal or commercial data (email addresses, names, and addresses) within the internet offer, then the user who inputs this data does so on an expressly voluntary basis.
By giving his postal or email address, the user agrees to receive the information material ordered (newsletter, postal deliveries) from Enterprise Z through mail and/or email, although the user can revoke this agreement at any time. The newsletter can be cancelled at any time via a link in our mails. Furthermore the user agrees to the data storage and further processing (supported by electronic data processing) of one’s own pertinent data.
This personal information is used by Enterprise Z only for carrying out services which were ordered by users or furthermore to bring the users’ attention to the new appointments, events, programmes, online services and other services of Enterprise Z.
The said given data by the user will be treated strictly confidentially according to the regulations of the respective valid version of the data protection laws, unless there exists a legal necessity to defend the rights or property of Enterprise Z or to protect the interests of the other users.
All texts, illustrations, graphics, video sequences, audio documents and other materials published on the website of are covered under the protection of copyright laws.
The author is either Enterprise Z or the person or institution named in the source reference. Any reproduction, mass duplication or publication of any of the information located on the website is not permitted. The permission for the printing or the further distribution of the information will be granted in individual cases.